Great books

Books we recommend

Activities: Games, Art Projects, Etc.

“All about Me: A Keepsake Journal for Kids” by Linda Kranz
This book remedies the problem of not knowing what to write about, with “thought-starters” such as “List five things that make you happy,” and “What was your first day of school like this year?” Full-color illustrations.

“The Colossal Book of Crafts for Kids and Their Families” by Phyllis Fiarotta
This book challenges children with craft projects at their own level and is written for youngsters to understand without the use of specific measurements. 400 illustrations.

“Crafts for Kids: A Month-By-Month Idea Book” by Barbara L. Dondiego
This edition features 16 all-new projects, including a paper-punch valentine, pine cone owl, papier mache pinata, Santa calendar, and more.

“Games Babies Play From Birth to Twelve Months” by Vicki Lansky
A collection of more than 100 games and activities to keep pace with baby’s changing abilities during the first year of life, and to give parents an enjoyable, interactive method to track their children’s progress. Line drawings.

“300 Incredible Things for Kids on the Internet” by Ken Leebow
This book provides 300 starting points for parents and kids who want to explore the Internet together, safely and constructively.

“Treasured Time with your Toddler: A Monthly Guide to Activities” by Jan Brennan
A handbook of activities for parents of two- and three-year-olds. Songs and nursery rhymes to sing, stories and books to read, simple foods to prepare, and games, crafts, or explorations to do together.

“365 Days of Baby Love: Playing, Growing, and Exploring With Babies from Birth to Age 2” by Sheila Ellison and Susan Ferdinandi
This year’s must-have treasury of baby advice and inspiration. This warm, smart book for parents of babies from birth to age two is filled with tips to help parents and grandparents create magical times together with their little ones.

“Beyond MacAroni and Cheese: Mom-Tested, Kid-Approved Recipes” by Mary Beth Lagerborg and Karen J. Parks
Busy mothers (and fathers who cook), especially for preschool and elementary children, will find dozens of practical tips, kid-friendly recipes, and entertaining information that makes feeding the family fun. Helpful for those picky eaters.

1,400 Things for kids to be happy about. Barbara Ann Kipfer
This book is a compilation of all the little things that make kids happy and a workbook for kids to fill in their own favorite things.

“Beyond Peanut Butter and Jelly” by
A unique collection of recipes, tips and ideas from members and friends of the International Nanny Association. This 190 page book includes chapters on kids cooking, crafts, creative holiday parties and unique ideas for birthday theme parties.


“Boundaries With Kids: When to Say Yes, When to Say No to Help Your Children Gain Control of Their Lives” by Henry Cloud, John Townsend, Lisa Guest
This book will help parents set boundaries with their children and will help them teach the concept of boundaries to their children.

“Beyond Sibling Rivalry: How to Help Your Children Become Cooperative, Caring, and Compassionate” by Peter Goldenthal
Goldenthal, a practicing psychologist specializing in sibling and family relationships, provides thoughtful and informative theory and practice for easing this challenging element of family life.

“Raising Your Spirited Child” by Mary Kurcinka
This book offers a fresh look and a new, positive vocabulary to parents and caregivers. It provides great insight into the different temperaments and provides suggestions that actually work.

Read Aloud Handbook. By Jim Trelease
This book teaches us about the rewards-and the importance-of reading aloud to children. The list of books at the end is very well laid out and full of great recommendations.

“Once Upon a Potty Boy / Girl” by Alona Frankel
Children are encouraged and excited by this story (and video). It motivates them to make the developmental leap from diaper to potty.

“Becoming the Parent You Want to Be: A Sourcebook of Strategies for the First Five Years” by Laura Davis and Janis Keyser
Based on nine principals that deal with issues of time, optimism, struggle, anger, balancing needs, and learning as you go, this book will help you discover and work with your own parenting philosophy.

“Redleaf Press” by many authors
Quality Resources for Early Childhood Professionals (English and Spanish books) visit or call 651.641.6675 for more information


“10-Minute Life Lessons for Kids : 52 Fun and Simple Games and Activities to Teach Your Child Trust, Honesty, Love, and Other Important Values” by Jamie C. Miller, Cam Clarke
10-Minute Life Lessons for Kids is an inspirational, upbeat and practical guide to teaching our children powerful principles needed for lifetime success.

“Golden Rules : The Ten Ethical Values Parents Need to Teach Their Children” by Wayne Dosick
Timely and timeless, this handbook offers thoughtful, much-needed advice to both new and experienced parents who want to raise decent, ethical children in today’s complicated world

“Children of Character : Leading Your Children to Ethical Choices in Everyday Life : A Parent’s Guide” by Steven Carr Reuben, Marlene Canter (Editor), Carol Provisor (Editor)
A parent’s guide to raising children of good character, moral superiority, and caring and compassionate natures provides the simple and concrete principles needed to stimulate the hearts and minds of the next generation.

Sibling Rivalry: How to help your children live together so you can live too. By Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish.
This book is useful not only for dealing with sibling rivalry, but also with diffusing conflicts between any children. The techniques are presented in an easy-to-understand fashion and the cartoons illustrate examples that parents will recognize from real life

Teaching Your Children Values” by Richard and Linda Eyre
#1 bestseller – Explains how parents can effectively teach their children values, discussing ways to reinforce positive moral behavior and the importance of courage, honesty, loyalty, justice, mercy, self-discipline, and other essential values.

The Five Love Languages of Children. By Dr. Gary Chapman
This outstanding book addresses how each child and adults, expresses and receives love through one of five primary “languages” – quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, or physical touch.

“Everyday Blessings: The Inner Work of Mindful Parenting” by Myla Kabat-Zim
This groundbreaking new book shows parents how to enrich their lives and the lives of their children, bringing out the inner potential and beauty that reside in parents and children alike, through intentional, mindful parenting.

Industry Related: Educational

“The Good Nanny Book” by P. Michele Raffin
A comprehensive guide to finding dependable in-home childcare.

“The Nanny Tax: How to Avoid Tax and Legal Problems When Employing Household Help” by Chad Turner
This book helps anyone who employs domestic help understand and comply with the myriad tax, labor, immigration, and social security regulations that govern these workers.

“The Nanny World” by H. Olivia Kittrell
This book’s primary emphasis is on assisting parents to become better informed nanny employers.

“The Professional Nanny” by Monica Bassett
Essential practical information about the business and professional side of nanny employment makes this book an indispensable resource and guide.